Describes zone merchandise admitted to a zone. site under CBP supervision that is normally of foreign origin. Such merchandise is admitted to zone sites without being subject to formal customs entry procedures and payment of duties, unless and until the foreign merchandise enters customs territory for domestic consumption. Foreign status merchandise is further categorized by CBP as either NonPrivileged Foreign or Privileged Foreign
(FTZ or zone) includes one or more restricted-access sites, including subzones, in or adjacent (as defined by Sec. 400.11 (b)(2)) to a CBP port of entry, operated as a public utility (within the meaning of Sec. 400.42) under the sponsorship of a zone grantee authorized by the Board, with zone operations under the supervision of CBP.
Consists of the Secretary of Commerce (chairman) and the Secretary of Treasury, or their designated alternates.
The category of merchandise that is shipped from or forwarded from zone sites after release by CBP. This category includes merchandise that is forwarded to destinations in the U.S. market as well as merchandise that is exported–that is, forwarded to markets in foreign countries.